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Migrating From Hatch Standard Versioning Scheme

If you have used the hatch standard versioning scheme plugin before and now want to use this semver plugin instead, here is a short rundown of the similarities and differences between the two and their use.

Identical or Similar Behavior

Old version Command Standard Plugin Semver Plugin
1.0.0 major 2.0.0 2.0.0
1.0.0 minor 1.1.0 1.1.0
1.0.0 micro
1.0.1 1.0.1
1.0.0 dev 1.0.0.dev0 1.0.0+dev.1

Bumping of Pre-Releases

When bumping only the pre-release segment of a version which has not yet any pre-release segment, hatch-semver automatically bumps the patch version. It also automatically adds a purely numeric identifier 1 through which bumping becomes possible. Without a numeric identifier, this pre-release could not be bumped.

Old version Command Standard Plugin Semver Plugin Comment
1.0.0 alpha 1.0.0a0 1.0.1-alpha.1 patch version auto-bumped
1.0.0 beta 1.1.0b0 1.0.1-beta.1 patch version auto-bumped
1.0.0 rc 1.1.0rc0 1.0.1-rc.1 patch version auto-bumped

The patch segment of the version core is not bumped, if pre-release is bumped in a chained command where a version core bump has occurred before.

Old version Command Standard Plugin Semver Plugin Comment
1.0.0 patch,alpha 1.0.1a0 1.0.1-alpha.1 patch version not auto-bumped
1.0.0 minor,beta 1.1.0b0 1.1.0-beta.1 patch version not auto-bumped
1.0.0 major,rc 2.0.0rc0 2.0.0-rc.1 patch version not auto-bumped

See more examples in the commands documentation.


The release command of hatch-semver does not simply return the version core stripped off the pre-release and build idetifiers. It performs a real bump to the release version. This normally goes along with a validation check. When you try to release version which is not a prerelease, this will raise a ValidationError.

Old version Command validate-bump Standard Plugin Semver Plugin
1.0.0 release True 1.0.0 ValidationError
1.0.0 release False 1.0.0 1.0.0
1.0.0+dev.1 release True 1.0.0 ValidationError
1.0.0+dev.1 release False 1.0.0 1.0.0

Unsupported Commands

Hatch's standard's versioning scheme's rev, r, post commands are not supported. There is no concept of a revision or a post-release in Semver. However, with build=post, for instance you could add the build identifiers post and 1 which would be similar to a PEP 440 post-release. Like in PEP 440, also in Semver build identifiers have the same precedence.

The abbreviations a, b, and c for alpha, beta, rc, and preview, respectively, are also not supported and will result in python-semver throwing a ValueError with ... is not a valid SemVer string. Hatch-semver actually uses pre as an alias for pre-release.

Semver allows custom identifiers in prereleases, so if you really wanted an a0 pre-release, you could achieve it by bumping to a specific version, i.e. hatch version 1.2.3-a0 although such alphanumeric identifiers cannot be bumped by python-semver. Better go with 1.2.3-a.1 which could be bumped to 1.2.3-a.2, 1.2.3-a.3 etc.